
The settings of a yuno, defining the tree of gobj’s to be created and their configuration, can be done with the function:

    PUBLIC char *json_config(
        BOOL print_verbose_config,
        BOOL print_final_config,
        const char *fixed_config,
        const char *variable_config,
        const char *config_json_file,
        const char *parameter_config,
        pe_flag_t quit

Source code in:

The json_config() function is a utility in Yuneta designed to generate a final JSON configuration by merging multiple JSON inputs. It supports advanced features like comment handling, variable substitution, and range-based expansion. The function can output the resulting configuration, validate it, and handle errors robustly.

The json_config() function merges multiple JSON configurations into a single final configuration string, following a specific order of precedence. It also includes features like comment handling, variable substitution, and range-based expansion for flexibility and advanced use cases.

The return of json_config() is a string that must be converted to JSON.

Global Settings#

If the final JSON has a key global, his value will be used as the argument jn_global_settings in gobj_start_up, and will be merge to kw when creating a gobj.


1. Global Variable Substitution#

The function replaces strings enclosed in (^^ ^^) with corresponding values from the __json_config_variables__ dictionary. This dictionary includes global variables returned by gobj_global_variables().

Predefined Variables in __json_config_variables__#




Node owner of the Yuno.


Realm ID of the Yuno.


Realm owner of the Yuno.


Realm role of the Yuno.


Name of the realm.


Environment of the realm.


Unique ID of the Yuno.


Role of the Yuno.


Name of the Yuno.


Tag of the Yuno.


Role and name of the Yuno.


Hostname of the system.


System name (Linux only).


Node name (Linux only).


System version (Linux only).


System release (Linux only).


Machine type (Linux only).

2. Comment Handling#

Supports single-line comments using the syntax ##^ in JSON strings.

3. Range-Based Expansion#

Expands JSON objects based on ranges defined within the input JSON. For example:

{ “range”: [12000, 12002], “content”: { “item(^^range^^)”: { “id”: “(^^range^^)” } } }

Will expand into:

{ “item12000”: { “id”: “12000” }, “item12001”: { “id”: “12001” }, “item12002”: { “id”: “12002” } }

4. Order of Precedence#

The function processes inputs in the following order:

  1. fixed_config: Non-writable configuration.

  2. variable_config: Writable configuration.

  3. config_json_file: Overwrites variable_config if specified.

  4. parameter_config: Final overwrites.


  • Error Handling: The function exits or continues based on the quit parameter if a JSON parsing error occurs.

  • Verbose Outputs: If print_verbose_config or print_final_config is TRUE, the function prints the configurations and exits.

Return Value#

  • Returns a dynamically allocated string containing the final JSON configuration.

  • Important: The returned string must be freed using jsonp_free() to avoid memory leaks.